
«Mud and Dark» 因为很明确就是谈美少年纳西索斯(Narcissus)与伊可(Echo)的爱情悲剧,并且唱词非常清晰的样子,导致互联网上很早就有「基本准确」的记录版本,流传至今。

最近论坛里又有人进来随便发帖求此歌的词,有人贴了旧版,然后有个叫 Adam Roguski 的人回复说如果没有记错的话,这首歌的词全篇出自 Charles L. Whitfield 出版于1991年的书 «Co-Dependence – Healing the Human Condition» 中的一页。按作者的说法,是「用自己的话转述 The Myth of Narcissu and Echo」。为了证明这件事他也特地把那页书拍了上来:

由于是逐句照唱,在换句的地方还为了迁就旋律而生硬切断,这件事是非常不优雅的。所以这样情况的话到底还能不能说是 Words by Elizabeth Fraser,就有待商榷了。但是很有趣呀!小白喜欢人云亦云说人家是「无词唱咏」「不需要懂也是仙音」,实际作为她处理「词」的手段来讲,只是冰山一角,尚有很多非常不正常的手段(比如 «Violaine» 的音节倒读创造出不存在的「语句」),这是我一向觉得她最厉害的 original talent,而不是「wordless singing」这么初级的理解。

Simon Raymonde 最近去冰岛宣传自己的新团 Lost Horizons,无法避免地,(视频)采访时又被问了一遍 Liz 的词(回复有人挖苦说 2018 年了还得回答这种问题)。他说,其实大家可能过度诠释了,她很少说使用多古怪的小语种或者不存在的语言,90%以上还是英语,只是她有她的独门手法。



Echo fell in love with the handsome Narcissus
Narcissus scorned those who adored him
And was oblivious to their affection
“Is anyone here?” “Here… here!” “Come!” “Come” “I will die
before I give you power over me” “I give you power over me”

All that remains of Echo is her voice in caves
Still repeating only what others have said

Narcissus lean over a clear pool
for a drink and fall hopelessly in love with his reflected image.
Consumed by the futile desire to have his affection
returned, Narcissus slowly wasted
yet Echo continued to love him.

All that remains of Echo is her voice in caves
Still repeating only what others have said

When death eventually overtook him as he said
his final “Farewell, farewell” to his own image,
she repeated the same words to him.
Then Echo’s flesh also wasted away,
and her bones turned to stone. Today
all that remains of Echo is her voice in caves.

“Is anyone here?” “Here… here!” “Come!” “Come” “I will die
before I give you power over me” “I give you power over me”




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